
Corporate IntroductionNanxiong Production BaseDevelopment historyCooperative Partner
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Aozon adheres to the concept of synchronous development, continue to strengthen innovation and development, has continuously
provided dozens of adhesive solutions for domestic top ten lithium battery enterprises, such as A,BYD, CATL, COSMX,
Lishen, Sunwoda, etc.

?2020 Dongguan Aozon Electronic Material Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
Dongguan Aozon Electronic Material Co., Ltd.
Add:Aozon Industrial Park, Keji Road, Shijie Town, Dongguan City
Tel: +86 769 8638 4222(8888)
Fax: +86 769 8638 4222(8080)
E-mail: sales@dgaozon.com
Aozon New Material Technlogy(Shaoguan) Co., Ltd.
Add:No.5, East Ping'an Avenue, Zhuji Industrial Park, Nanxiong, Shaoguan
Tel: +86 769 8638 4222
Fax: +86 769 8638 4222(8080)
E-mail: sales@dgaozon.com

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+86 769 8638 4222(8888)
+86 133 8019 9909
Aozon Industrial Park, Keji Road, Shijie Town, Dongguan City

Product Center
?2020 Dongguan Aozon Electronic Material Co., Ltd. All rights reserved




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