
Lithium BatteryElectronics ApplicationPhotoelectric Display AdhesiveTransportationOther
Tablet computer has been widely used in our daily life. With the changing needs of consumers, its design, function and structure have also changed.
According to the different functional requirements of tablet computer, we provide you with professional adhesive application solutions.
Removable Tape
It is used for fixing and dismounting mobile phone battery.
GDF Decorative Film
Glass camera lens decoration & explosion proof.
PUR Adhesive
Used for bonding the touch panel and the middle frame.
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?2020 Dongguan Aozon Electronic Material Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
Dongguan Aozon Electronic Material Co., Ltd.
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E-mail: sales@dgaozon.com
Aozon New Material Technlogy(Shaoguan) Co., Ltd.
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Tel: +86 769 8638 4222
Fax: +86 769 8638 4222(8080)
E-mail: sales@dgaozon.com

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+86 133 8019 9909
Aozon Industrial Park, Keji Road, Shijie Town, Dongguan City

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